E13: What is Socially Responsible Investing?
July 31, 2019
Are you interested in aligning your investing with social or environmental issues? This episode is real talk on Socially Responsible Investing (SRI).
- Morgan Ranstrom, Co-Founder & Financial Planner at Trailhead Planners, LLC.
- Scott Arnold, Partner, Portfolio Manager at IMPACTfolio.
What We’re Reading Right Now
- Climate Change Is the Only Constant
- A major US utility is moving toward 100% clean energy faster than expected
- Scott - most of my reading is newsletters and articles from Green Money Journal, Sustainalytics & MSCI. In my free time I’m reading mostly Cub Scout training manuals!
What is Socially Responsible Investing?
- SRI defined
- How long has SRI been available?
- What causes and issues are available to align with?
- Are there downsides or tradeoffs when choosing SRI?
- What is the future of SRI? Will most investments eventually be sustainable?
- How to find the right SRI investments for you?
Intro/outtro music credit: eccentric - I Can Show You [Argofox Release] by Argofox