E10: Achieving Mental and Emotional Resilience as a Business Owner
July 10, 2019
Entrepreneurship is grueling and emotionally taxing. In this episode we discuss ways to become more resilient in the face of adversity.
What We're Reading
- 4 Reasons Why Resilience Is An Entrepreneur's Greatest Quality
- Sport Psychology Applies to Entrepreneurs' Success
- The Obstacle Is The Way by Ryan Holiday
- Legacy by James Kerr
Achieving Mental and Emotional Resilience as a Business Owner
- What are common obstacles faced by entrepreneurs?
- Business language learning (passionate about product but what are the actual nuts and bolts).
- Under prepared for the stress associated with being an entrepreneur
- Associating personal identity with work or product (taking business decisions personally)
- Trying to do it all themselves
- How to develop resilience as a skill
- What is your WHY and anchoring efforts to that? (why is what you’re doing so important to you; emotional experience
- Stress is just stress; not inherently good or bad, its a cue/trigger that causes you to act
- Shift from results focused to process oriented (allows work not to be tied to a result, which is could be beyond your control and places value on the effort to deliver a great product or company.
- Pre-Mortem or Goal Sparring (planning for the worst case scenarios and developing a plan around those possible outcomes; acknowledging that there is a potential negative outcome; its not the boogie man and hope isn’t a plan)
- Breathe (specifically breathing routine)
- Replace Positive with Effective
- YES and...using improv comedy to help you maintain positive and creative.
- How to maintain resilience
- Break the Negativity Loop or Downward Spiral (interrupt negative loop after an experience)
- Creative/Challenging Outlet (GRIT research on extracurriculars)
- Reading/Listening
- Journaling
- Physical & Mental Health (Take care of your being)
Intro/outtro music credit: eccentric - I Can Show You [Argofox Release] by Argofox